About Self Nouveau

Build a Future your Present-Self will love and your Past-Self is proud of.

#FutureFirst - The Story

We’re here for those who refuse to settle. Who never stop moving forwards. Who continue to search for new ideas and better experiences in everything they do. Because today’s hyper-connected world deserves a financial partner just as progressive.One that adapts to your needs, gives you control and constantly pushes you into new exciting spaces.



Gain insight into the powerful #FutureFirst mentality.


Our Story

SelfNouveau is a team of thinkers who are passionate about change and personal development. We're not content with the standard self-help manuals and believe there is a better way for everyone to achieve their goals. SelfNouveau is not just a group of people - it's a new movement in personal development.


What we do

We're sending everyone back to the future and disrupting the space-time continuum, Great Scott! At SelfNouveau the focus is on the future, all those days full of potential and waiting for us to get involved. We're motivated by a vision of personal development that is so much easier and so much better than the usual methods.