#FutureFirst: A Strategy for Change

This week we are excited to announce the launch of our e-book, #FutureFirst: A Strategy for Change. It’s available on Amazon Kindle here.

It’s been quite a journey to self-publish our first e-book, with a few lessons learned along the way, but we are delighted to have it on the digital shelves of Amazon.

We are passionate about helping people achieve their goals and make their dreams a reality. If you have already tried to make changes or start new habits and haven’t had the results you want, this is the book for you.

Our philosophy

Unlike standard self-help manuals, our strategy for change is based on flexibility and adaptability. No more rigid schedules, 2 minutes a day, habit trackers or iron discipline – and no more feelings of guilt or inadequacy when you inevitably miss a day.

We want to empower you, not trap you in a fixed routine of activities. Many popular self-help gurus will tell you that you can’t afford to miss a day when you’re starting a habit. You need to set up specific times of the day when you’re going to carry out this new activity.

But this can leave you feeling stressed or guilty when life intervenes and you miss a day. It may be that you’re too busy with work, you have a prior engagement or you’re simply ill. Whatever the reason, it will happen.

So it makes sense to have an approach that takes this into account. If you want to make real change in your life, you need to be in control – not your habits.

With our e-book you will learn the mental techniques to take back control of your mind and your habits. You will improve your mental agility and develop a wider perspective on your goals that will enable you to overcome obstacles along the way.

Our strategy

Our strategy is a sequence of steps you can take to work out your goals and turn them into actual results. It is flexible and works best when you re-visit the different steps as your goals develop over time.

For example, you may start out wanting to simply join the weekly park run in your area but that may morph into joining a local running club and entering some competitions. Our strategy supports you along this journey.

In the e-book, we take you through each stage of the strategy. There are plenty of relatable examples for you to see the strategy in action.

It is a feedback loop, designed to reinforce your goals and motivation. It is most effective when you return to it consistently over time, updating it with your new targets.

One step

A key part of our strategy is ‘Take one step’. Sometimes we know the exact route we need to take in order to make a dream reality. But often we don’t really know what is required, especially if we’re trying something completely new.

So we say, relax – just take one step. All you need to do is take one step, one action today towards your goals. That can be as simple as calling the local running club to find out the membership fee or buying the ingredients to make a smoothie tomorrow.

Every action you take in pursuit of your goals is valid. Take one action today and buy our e-book. Take your first step on a journey to a new you with #FutureFirst: A Strategy for Change.

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