Whether you want to start a new habit, drop an old one or make big changes in your life, mindset is everything. Having the wrong mindset can be a real stumbling block. It makes everything harder and means you are less likely to succeed.
But with the right mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and keep your motivation strong. If you have the right mental approach, you can pretty much guarantee that success will come to you. However long it takes and whatever the bumps along the way, you will achieve your dream.
What is a ‘Smoothie or Bust’ mindset?
The ‘Smoothie or Bust’ mindset is a set of limiting beliefs and unproductive thought processes that prevent people from reaching their full potential. It is quite common to develop this mindset when you try to follow standard self-help advice.
Here at Self Nouveau, we call it ‘Smoothie or Bust’ because of an analogy we use to explain it in our e-book, #FutureFirst: A Strategy for Change.
Imagine that you want to get healthier so you decide to drink a fruit smoothie every morning. According to the standard self-help manuals, you need to establish a routine, a specific time when you’ll have this smoothie, to embed the habit. You need to make sure you do it every day or you’re at risk of losing your new habit and doing nothing to become healthier. It’s all or nothing, smoothie or bust.
How is a ‘Smoothie or Bust’ mindset holding you back?
The ‘Smoothie or bust’ mindset is limiting because of its narrow focus on completing a specific activity. Did you have a smoothie this morning or not? If yes, you’ve succeeded but if no, you’ve failed.
There is no allowance for normal life, for those days when you’re genuinely too busy or too tired. For the days when you’ve forgotten to buy ingredients or wash your sports kit. For the days when you’ve got family or friends around for dinner – or have fallen ill.
This leads to all sorts of negative feelings such as guilt, low self-esteem and regret. You may even come to resent any equipment you bought for your new habit as it is a constant reminder of your failure. The sports gear in the cupboard, the smoothie machine in the kitchen.
With all of this negative emotion, you’re less likely to stay motivated and you’re more likely to quit.
So what is the right mindset?
The best mindset is one that equips you for the difficult times. It encourages you to stay open to opportunities, adapt to circumstances, and stay focused on the bigger picture – your future goal.
In other words, the #FutureFirst mentality.
The #FutureFirst mentality gives you a larger perspective and helps you out on difficult days.
Going back to the smoothie analogy, on those days when you wake up late or haven’t cleaned the smoothie machine, the #FutureFirst mentality helps you see other options. Instead of a smoothie, you can grab some porridge on the go or eat a cereal bar. You don’t have to write the whole day off as a failure just because you didn’t have a smoothie.
It’s actually been a real success as you’ve found a healthy alternative and are still committed to your goals.
The #FutureFirst mentality and approach to change is all about working with your brain, not against it. We believe that a healthy approach to change is about staying adaptable and enhancing your self-esteem.
If you’ve found this article helpful, check out our e-book #FutureFirst: A Strategy for Change (available here for $4.99) or sign up to our newsletter for more insights and get a free mini-book of change.
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